At Lion Wellness Center we believe that Living Well should be enough to Be Well. But we also know in modern times and for the majority of people, this is not the case. It’s impossible to separate ourselves from the environment and repeated toxic exposures - air pollution, food additives, modified food substances, chronic infections, chemicals from household and beauty products, the list is truly endless. Accumulated toxins begin to disrupt cellular function, leading to system dysfunction and symptoms of disease. We know that health means the mere absence of disease but to be truly healthy and well, we need to address all states- mind, body and spirit - in order to achieve optimal health and true wellness.
At Lion Wellness Center we take an integrative and holistic approach to health and wellness. We use comprehensive functional medicine intake histories and in-office assessments include applied kinesiology and electrodermal screening which provide real-time information from the body. Using a multifaceted approach to understand the body and its dysfunction allows us to isolate body systems which are functionally stressed. From this point we can systematically find ways to support each system in an effort to bring the body closer to homeostasis. When the body is able to respond with resilience to the stresses and insults we experience daily, then we have achieved a state of wellness, and this is our mission for each of our clients at Lion Wellness Center.
The lion represents strength, courage and resilience in the face of adversity and according to the Bible, God has given his followers these characteristics as well. Jesus understands our emotions and the physical and mental limitations we face as humans. He recognizes our fear, anxiety, pain and anguish. The Lion of Judah represents Jesus who has triumphed over pain and suffering, over fear and death, and fulfills the promise and prophecy of God’s word. Jesus is the Lion who retreats before nothing, has overcome and is victorious, just as his followers will be. It is our hope that the lion of Lion Wellness Center can be a beacon of hope, courage and confidence in the midst of your wellness journey.