Quantum Nutrition Testing or (QNT) is based upon the techniques of Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing but is highly specialized and is used to evaluate areas of your body that are working well versus not working well. If an area (organ, gland or tissue) is not working well, QNT can help to identify the CAUSE of the dysfunction. This is a step beyond addressing symptoms as we work to find the dysfunction, identify the cause and then determine nutritional supplementation that handles the cause so that the issue can be resolved and health can be restored.

Possible Causes of Your Health Problems We Assess For:

  • Food sensitivities - gluten, corn, oats, soy, dairy, etc.

  • Chemical toxicities - chlorine, fluoride, formaldehyde, etc.

  • Heavy metal toxicity - mercury, aluminum, lead, arsenic, vaccine components

  • Bugs - viruses, bacteria, parasites, Lyme Disease

  • Radiation - cell phones, lap tops, video games, desktop computers, navigation, blue tooth

  • Emotions - high stress jobs, family problems, sadness, grief, anxiety, emotional trauma

  • Scars/Rashes/Acne - irritations on the surface of the skin from various causes

QNT is able to evaluate you from the top of your head to your toes, and any specific area in between.  Assessing every organ and gland to determine the cause of your health problems, even if other physicians have told you that there is nothing wrong with you and your labs are “fine” and you are “just getting older”.

Only the highest quality, nutritional supplements that are physician grade are used to address the causes that are found with QNT Testing.  These supplements are developed from organic, whole foods, herbs from all over the world, homeopathy, and even cellular type products.  Each product is then tested and dosed specifically to your body to complete your highly personalized Quantum Nutrition Wellness Plan.


Naturopathy is a natural health profession, emphasizing prevention, support, and optimal health through the use of natural, non-invasive therapies and natural substances to encourage an individual’s innate self-healing processes. Naturopathy recognizes that the human body has the inherent ability to recover from constant assaults by the environment, lifestyle, and improper modern dietary habits.

Prior to your appointment, you will fill out a sequence of functional medicine-based questionnaires and surveys to provide information on current medications and supplements, establish a detailed health history, and give an accurate depiction of your current dietary and lifestyle habits. From this comprehensive assessment, we will further discuss your history, including any techniques/programs/services you have attempted in the past. Based on this comprehensive assessment the Naturopath will decide if further lab testing is needed, as well as determine which functional, in-office assessments may be beneficial. After assessing each client’s physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and spiritual components, the Naturopath will develop a personalized wellness plan with actionable steps to begin immediately, to help you reach your health and wellness goals.

*Please note: Naturopaths are NOT Medical Doctors (MDs). They do not diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or disease. Naturopaths are trained specialists who use non-invasive, holistic practices to create a healthy environment for the mind, body and spirit.


Functional Nutrition borrows its basic tenants from the field of functional medicine, with goals of working in a therapeutic partnership between client and practitioner, finding the root causes of dysfunction and disease and uses a systems-based approach to consider the whole person. Functional Nutrition integrates the full complexity of an individual in mind, body, lifestyle, stress management behaviors and more with an emphasis on personalized food and lifestyle approaches to wellness and disease management. Functional Nutrition focuses on the person (not just their disease or condition) while taking a holistic approach to optimizing an individual’s health based on their unique needs. Our goal with Functional Nutrition is to establish an educational, empowering and therapeutic relationship to better amplify the client’s well-being and foster sustainable transformations.


We are energetic beings! Our bodies are made up of atoms with charged particles which vibrate at certain frequencies. Our brains fire electrical synapses and our hearts beat via an energetic electrical process. Electrodermal screening devices take measurements of the electrical energy of the skin which is reflective of the electrical energy of our bodies. At Lion Wellness Center we use a ZYTO hand cradle, which measures a galvanic skin response (GSR) using six contact points to measure fluctuations in electrical conductivity of the skin. The hand cradle will transmit a frequency associated with various collection items in the database and then read the client’s GSR. This data is measured and tracked repeatedly in comparison to a baseline reading. The software analyzes the data for patterns of coherence, and we can use this data to identify stressed body systems and localize specific stressors of health, as well as to identify herbs, vitamins, foods, supplements and other natural health methods which your body responds to with the best coherence. Using this data, along with a detailed health history and your personal health and wellness goals, we can determine which products, services and lifestyle modifications will best and most efficiently support you on your wellness journey.

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*Please note: ZYTO technology is not designed to treat or diagnose any disease or ailment. It is capable of detecting energetic imbalances that may be associated with past, current or potential ailments, although it cannot predict and does not diagnose the physical presence of illness or disease; nor does it presume to treat or cure any such illness. It is a tool used to assist the practitioner in finding what the body responds well to, and what the body does not respond well to, while formulating a personalized wellness plan.


Have any questions about the services we offer or what would be a good fit for you?